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Help us to create an
“information hub”
of facts about food we eat.


There is so much information, misinformation and biases about food out there which doesn't make it easy to find facts.

Are you a Vegetarian? Did you hear about anti-nutrients like Oxalates? What else should we keep in mind? Are you on low carb/keto? Do we need to mind blood sugar levels? Are our kidneys safe? You do Carnivore? Do we need to worry about Cancer? Do you suffer from arthritis, vitiligo, psoriasis, other autoimmune disorders, sclerosis or problems with thyroid, inflammation or health in general? Can they be related to our diet?

We feel, we require a place safe from myths and disinformation. One that is based rather on facts and studies then opinions. And yes we know, studies have problems too, we need to go deeper and you can help us.

What do we mean by facts?

What do we mean by community?